
All match line-ups are listed according to selected teams for the season. The Team Captain’s Responsibilities document can be downloaded here. Click here for information on how league teams are selected.


Important to note:
For home games, please be at the club at 12.45 pm. Team captains, please come at 12:30pm and prepare the club for opposing teams, e.g. water, umbrellas and chairs. For away games please be at your opposing club at 1pm. If you need a lift, organise with your team captain.

If you have home games, make sure there is food available for your opponents. Each person should bring something to ensure that there is enough. If you have away games, remember to collect your balls and scoresheets from the clubhouse beforehand.

Remember to get your team to pay their ball fees via Snapscan. After the match, return your captain’s pack to the clubhouse with the completed scoresheet.


Thank you to our wonderful sponsors for supporting us and donating goods/services and prizes.